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2025 Stewardship Information

2025 Stewardship Brochure

2025 Stewardship Letter


In the Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom we hear the call to “commit ourselves and one another and our whole life to Christ our God.” We commit our whole life to Christ when we truly believe that He is the source of our life and origin of all our blessings. Stewardship is our proper response to His gifts to us. In gratitude and thanksgiving, we give back of our time, talents, and treasure in proportion to what we have been given.


First Fruits
The Bible speaks of offering back to God the “first fruits” of our possessions, thus recognizing Him as the provider of all we are and all we have. Stewardship is making Christ the first priority in the use of the time, talents and treasures with which He has blessed us.

Return to God His Own Gifts
King David said, “all things come from You, and of your own we have given You” (Chronicles 29:14). Our money and possessions are not ours, but on loan from God. When we give to the Church, we return to God, the Owner, His rightful portion.

Proportionate Giving
The Old Testament laid down the standard of the tithe or 10 percent of one’s income. This provides us with the principle that giving should be a proportion of our income. Stewardship is giving back to God in proportion to the resources He has given to us.

The more we are given, the more is expected of us. “Everyone to whom much is given, from him will much be required.” (Luke 12:48) Each Steward should determine what percentage of his or her income will be committed to Christ and the Church each year.

Cheerful Giving
“Each person should give what he had decided in this heart to give, not relecutantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful (willing) giver” (2 Corinthians 9:7).

How do you compare your expenditure on personal entertainment to your giving for God’s work? Our Stewardship giving reflects our commitment to Christ and His Church.

Money is a necessary tool for ministry. To fulfill the Church’s mission, we are called upon to commit our fair share for the financial support of our Church’s expenses on a Parish, Metropolis, and Archdiocesan level.


Family Income 1% 3% 5%
$50,000 $500 $1,500 $2,500
$100,000 $1,000 $3,000 $5,000
$200,000 $2,000 $6,000 $10,000
$500,000 $5,000 $15,000 $25,000


Our Stewardship giving should support all the Parish Ministries and the entire operating budget. We should not depend on special affairs to meet our budget, for this is our direct responsibility. Stewardship places the responsibility on us, for we are the recipients of God’s gifts and play an active role in perpetuating His work of salvation.

The expenses of our Parish are vital to our Church for:

Keeping in Touch With You
Maintaining our Buildings
Those Who Serve Us
Worship and Education
National Ministries Commitment

The quality of our service as a Parish, Metropolis, and Archdiocese depends directly on the level of your generous giving.

In making a decision, one should keep in mind that the expenses of our Parish and the Church increase every year. In order to grow our ministries and meet our expenses, each Steward should strive to increase his or her pledge annually.

Your Stewardship Pledge is kept in confidence. Jesus taught us that giving should be done quietly, generously, and out of sight of others. if you wish to revise your pledge during the year for any reason, you may send a note to the Church Office indicating your intention.

You may remit your pledge in the manner that suits you best. Since small regular contributions are easier to manage, it is suggested that your contribution be made on a weekly basis. “on the first day of every week (Sunday), each one of you should set aside a sum of money in keeping with his income” (1 Corinthians 16:2).

The Stewardship Pledge qualifies a husband and wife (for married couples) and single adults as Stewards. Sunday School students offer their own Stewardship each Sunday. Family members over 18 years of age who are employed should make their own Stewardship Pledge.

Stewards are considered parishioners in good standing with the Parish and may vote and seek elective office in the administration of the Parish as provided in the Archdiocesan Regulations.

Orthodox Christians who wish to become parishioners in good in our Parish may become Stewards of St. Nicholas by making a Stewardship Pledge for the current year.

Please remember our St. Nicholas Church in your Will or Trust.
When writing or reviewing your will or trust, please consider leaving a charitable bequest. Ask your attorney to include such words as: “I give to St. Nicholas Shrine Church 196-10 Northern Blvd. Flushing, NY the sum of $____ to be used for the general purposes of St. Nicholas.

For more information on our Stewardship program please contact the Church Office. To schedule sacraments and memorial services please contact the Church Office.